Aprendizaje personalizado

Clases particulares:

Ghislain de Taillandier y Severin Berz ofrecen:

  • Clases particulares para 1, 2 ó 3 personas

Es posible recibir clases particulares durante todo el año, pero durante las semanas próximas al encuentro internacional habrá muchas posibilidades de tomar clases con Severin o Ghislain.

Precios de las clases particulares en Suiza y USA

Medio día = 2 horas | Día completo = 4 horas | Los precios son por persona


Clases con Ghislain o Severin | 🇺🇸 &🇨🇭

1 hora
Medio día
Día completo
1 persona
2 personas
3 personas

Precios de las clases particulares en Europa

Medio día = 2 horas | Día completo = 4 horas | Los precios son por persona

Clases con Ghislain o Severin |🇪🇺

1 hora
Medio día
Día completo
1 persona
80 €
150 €
300 €
2 personas
70 €
130 €
250 €
3 personas
60 €
110 €
200 €

Severin Berz

Ghislain de Taillandier

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  • When I first pushed hands with Ghislain, I thought, “yes, this is what I want to learn!” I’ve been practicing with Ghislain now for five years. In that time, my understanding of taijiquan and my level of push hands have both improved dramatically. Ghislain is one of those teachers who can demonstrate what he talks about and what he wants his students and practice partners to do in order to develop their skills. His own push hands is soft, powerful, and relaxed; and he has the rare ability to slow down an exchange, in order to explain to his students in a particular moment, exactly what to do and exactly where to release inside, and to allow the student the opportunity to develop the ability to see and make the internal changes that enable true neutralization without the use of inappropriate force. Ghislain’s relaxed, powerful, push hands, deep and broad knowledge of taijiquan, and easy-going personality make him a great teacher for students at all levels, from beginning to advanced, and make learning both fun and productive. When anyone expresses interest in learning or improving in taijiquan and push hands, of all the great practitioners I know, I send them first to Ghislain.

    Blair S.

  • I have known Ghislain De Taillandier for twenty years and in that span of time have most certainly played Push Hands with him quite literally hundreds of times.
    I can definitely attest to his skill level, his sensitivity and his ability to read and interpret energy in his partner.
    Anyone who can experience this is going to develop these qualities and it is my belief that it can only be absorbed and developed by feeling.

    Paul T.

  • Practicing with Ghislain, I experience the possibility of playing with my body's motion, feeling greater freedom and relaxation, connecting with my real power, which isn't the use of force, but allowing my ki to express from my own center. In this way I can connect with my opponent without competition.

    In his corrections, Ghislain always encouraged me to find my place of comfort from where I may push or receive the opponent's attack, feeling natural and comfortable.
    Ghislain taught me that relaxation, playfulness, comfort and freedom are the road to further possibilities for action and wisdom to make decisions, which is for me the real power.
    Another aspect is competition. When I act in a competing manner I lose my center.

    Ghislan was able to read each of my body's motion and patiently guided me to become aware of the areas where I was blocking my own energy. Ghislain is a Master at this.
    After practice, I felt the pleasure of increased movement, lightness, joyfulness and more in touch as a martial artist. 

    2nd Dan Aikido
    Tai Chi Practitioner

    Silvia Desinano

  • Ghislain has patience, listening ability and dedication to softness that make his coaching in Push Hands the best possible use of time for anyone interested in evolving their practice. In thirty-five years of practicing T’ai Chi, he is one of the few I’ve met whose touch matches the philosophy of using “Mind not Force”.

    Teacher and Administrator
    Inner Research Institute School of T’ai Chi Ch’uan

    San Francisco, CA

    Eva Shoshany

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