Regular classes &
practice meetings
Workshops :
Severin offers workshops all year long in Vevey, Switzerland and elsewhere in Europe. Around The International meeting, Ghislain will be in Europe and will give workshops with Severin in Vevey and other places in Europe. You will find a non-exhaustive list of these workshops below.
Saturday October 19th, 2024
14:00 – 17:00
20 €
Taiji / Tuishou: Kwas and Shoulders – An elastic square to suspend the Dantien
Workshop by Severin Berz
2-hour workshop & 1-hour free Tuishou (optional, free, open to non-participants of the workshop)
The Dantien must be differentiated, free and connected with our shoulders and our Kwa to take advantage of its full potential.
We will see what their relationships are, how to differentiate and connect them and why the Dantien can only truly serve as a central balance if the shoulder and pelvic girdle are free and flexible. We will do exercises alone and in pairs in order to regain the autonomy and collaboration of these body regions and have a sharper awareness of them. We will also see how to use these principles in Tuishou and for a martial application.
It is also possible to take private lessons
Saturday 19.10 or Sunday 20.10 –

Weekend, 26-27 October 2024
9:30 – 16:00
250 CHF
Immersion into movement through fascia
Workshop by Severin Berz
This workshop is accessible to anyone, beginner or more experienced
In this weekend, we will learn to clarify the quality of our intention, to stabilize it, and to leave the free body flexible and extended so that it can express the precision of this intention.
The workshop is open to all and does not require any prerequisites.
Registration mandatory – Limited space available
Registration limit: 20.10.2026
It is possible to sleep in the Taiji Studio (15€)

Weekend, 15-16 February 2025
not announced yet
Tuishou Workshop
Workshop by Severin Berz
Free the potential of the Dantien
The Dantien must be differentiated, free and connected with our shoulders and our Kwa to take advantage of its full potential.
We will see what their relationships are, how to differentiate and connect them and why the Dantien can only truly serve as a central balance if the shoulder and pelvic girdle are free and flexible.
We will do exercises alone and in pairs in order to regain the autonomy and collaboration of these body regions and to have a sharper awareness of them. We will also see these principles used in Tuishou and for martial application.

Sunday, 15 June 2025
not announced yet
Workshop by Severin Berz
A free Kwa as a prerequisite for central balance
The Dantien must be differentiated, free and connected with our shoulders and our Kwa to take advantage of its full potential. We will see what their relationships are, how to differentiate and connect them and why the Dantien can only truly serve as a central balance if the shoulder and pelvic girdle are free and flexible. We will do exercises alone and in pairs in order to regain the autonomy and collaboration of these body regions and to have a sharper awareness of them. We will also see these principles used in Tuishou and for martial application.

"*" indicates required fields
Regular classes :
Severin offers regular Tuishou classes and open free push-hands meetings all year long in Vevey, Switzerland.
Tuishou class
Th 18:30 – 20:00
Every Thursday
by Severin Berz
Tui Shou, also called “sticky hands”, is traditionally used in Taiji and other martial arts...
It is used to explore the principles learned in the form in application with a partner.
This practice for two allows us to discover how we occupy space with our body, how we manage our energy and what reflexes the dynamic sharing of a space with the partner awakens in us. It also allows us to discover how our perception works, our balance and how we can massively reduce our energy expenditure.
Thanks to the benevolent help of our partner, we can become aware of our bad habits and anchor in the body a different sensory experience. For example, we can have an excessively passive attitude by letting the partner occupy our space and ceding our physical and structural integrity to him. Or on the contrary too active, making us too rigid, resulting in a great loss of energy and great vulnerability because a rigid attitude no longer allows us to adapt to change. Being overly active blocks feeling and being too passive blocks action.

Open practice meeting
Th 20:00 – 21:30
Every Thursday
everybody is welcome to come and practice with us
Free Push-Hands practice
Explore the principles of Taiji with a partner through Tuishou. Learn to find your space in the relationship, to manage the invading energies of your partner by learning to recycle them to increase your own energy.
Rediscover the pleasure of playing with your body, gravity and space. Discover that the intentions, wishes and requests of your partner will no longer be a source of stress, defense and oppression but an offering of energy for the benefit of your space and balance and integrity.
In practice, two people stand face to face with their hands in constant contact, testing and exploring each other’s balance.
Although finding its origins in the martial arts, with a notion of combat at the base, the way in which this practice is proposed here, emphasizes the awareness and the subtlety of the movement of course its martial effectiveness remains intact.
Dojo du Guintzet
Av. Jean-Paul II 13
1752 Villars-sur-Glâne

Book your regular class